Walking: Useful Links & Resources

There is a whole range of walking related information, advice and resources available on the internet. Below we have picked out just a few websites which may be of interest:

Leeds City Council Walking Pages

Leeds City Council have a webpage dedicated to providing information on walking in the area. They have a list of great walking routes in Leeds, advice and much more.

Active 10

The Active 10 app is a free walking tracker from the NHS. It’s a simple way to take away the guesswork of how active you have been. The app uses sensors in your device to anonymously record every minute of walking you do, even when they’re spread out across the day.

To achieve an ‘active 10’ you just need to clock up 10 minutes of brisk walking throughout the day, you don’t have to walk for 10 consecutive minutes!

Living Streets

Living Streets is the national charity that stands up for pedestrians. Some of their campaigns include; safer routes to schools, protecting and repairing pavements, tackling air pollution and much more! Visit their website to explore more about what they do and even get involved!

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks

It’s almost impossible not to feel good when we’re walking outdoors – it’s a natural mood-booster! And the great news is we don’t need to walk far or fast to feel its effects on our health and wellbeing. Simply getting out is a tonic for our minds and bodies, and it can be sociable too.    

Almost all of us can manage a stroll, and Ramblers Wellbeing Walks make it easier to start walking and stay active. And you’ll certainly never be short of good company. 


Turn footsteps into forests with Treekly. By walking 5,000 steps per day, you can help contribute to global reforestation projects. The app is free to download on iOS and Android devices.