The web is full of some really useful cycling related information, advice and resources. Below we have sought to highlight just a few which you may wish to check out if you don’t find the information you need across our range of cycling features and posts.
Cycle City Connect
The Cycle City Connect initiative is focussed upon getting more people on their bikes across West Yorkshire. Funded by the Department for Transport’s Cycle City Ambition Grant, and sitting as part of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority team, City Connect is responsible for delivering a wide range of initiatives across the region in partnership with a range of public, private and community organisations.
Visit the Cycle City Connect website to find out more about new cycle routes (including the Cycle Superhighway), free cycle training opportunities, a cycling journey planner, and much more.
Leeds City Council
Leeds council have a web page dedicated to cycling across the city. Find links to various cycle maps, information about cycling facilities and how to report issues on roads for cyclists.
CycleStreets is a handy website that allows you to plan a journey by bike. Simply enter your start and end points and the website will do the rest, offering you different route options depending on your confidence.
Sustrans is a national charity delivering a wide range of work focused upon cycling. They are responsible for the management of the National Cycle Network (NCN), a UK-wide network of signed paths and routes for walking, cycling, wheeling and exploring outdoors.
Cycling UK
Cycling UK has championed the cause of cycling for more than 140 years. They promote all forms of cycling, protect the interests of existing and would-be cyclists, and inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to discover the joys of cycling. Their website is packed full of information and advice for all levels of cyclist.
British Cycling
British Cycling is the main national governing body for cycle sport in Great Britain. It administers most competitive cycling that takes place. They also facilitate and promote various types of led rides, whatever your ability and whoever you are through their Let’s Ride programme.
They also offer women only rides through their Breeze programme, giving women of all abilities the chance to learn to ride and build up confidence all while socialising.